This exhibit is the result of a meeting of literature and visual art. Writer Park Bumshin, who writes about the groove of time and finds death in life, connected with visual artist Ahn jongyuen, who captures not only time and space but also creation and extinction in the world of light. Park Bumshin pays tribute to the things that disappear and fade away in his novel ‘Groove’, a literary document about ‘the groove of time’ that comes from the human fate of life and death. This matter of time in Park Bumshin’s literature inspired an introspective motif to visual artist Ahn Jongyuen.
Ahn Jongyuen rediscovers the grand literary epic as a summarized visual language while at the same time, showcasest the variation of light and still light, a pervading theme in her artwork. In this process, the artist captures the groove of time. The work of Ahn Jongyuen is relevant because she accomplishes an in-depth relationship of the literary epic and the visual epic over existing shallow relationships. Ahn Jongyuen is an artist who expands the domain of art by going beyond the domain. She can be likened to a messenger who connects two different fields regardless of boundaries. Ahn Jongyuen is an artist of integration and consilience who captures the spirit of the times and carries this conversion of structure to art.