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KIM Bohie was born in Seoul, 1952. She graduated from Ewha Womans University with BFA in Korean Painting and MFA in Fine Arts. From her Oriental painting background, she naturally started to paint traditional Korean paintings. Although her teachers dissuaded her from colored-ink wash painting deeming that it is remnants of Japan, Kim has been painting with this style since she was a student. She received multiple awards with these paintings as a student.

Kim created a unique style based on traditional Korean painting methods, and accommodating western materials. She received wide attention at a young age by being selected as an artist representing the flow of Korean painting from the exhibition in Kyung-in Museum of Fine Art in 1986. She moved to Jeju Island from Seoul in 2005. Kim has advanced her oeuvres here, living in the great nature of Jeju.

Kim has participated in numerous exhibitions in multiple institutions such as, Hakgojae Gallery, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul Museum of Art, etc. She received Special Prize, Grand Art Exhibition of Korea in 1982 and 1983, and Woljeon Art Award in 1992. She is currently working in Seoul and Jeju Island. She has been a professor in Ewha Womans University for 30 years, and retired in 2017.